Best hosting sites for drupal

Looking for Drupal hosting? Just Google it, you will get hundreds of results on the same. But if you start to look into the hosting companies available. Most of them can host a Drupal website but they don’t promote it. And if we talk about requirements, PHP and MySql are sufficient to run Drupal, which is an easy requirement to fill for any hosting company.


Still, finding a Good Drupal Web Hosting is not an easy task, as Drupal requires higher server resources than other CMS platforms, which is the primary issue with most of the hosting sites. But still, it is quintessential for the long-term success of your Drupal website. 


Look what are the attributes about best hosting sites for Drupal:


Get the Better Server Infrastructure

They are developed to provide a server infrastructure that is optimized for running Drupal websites in the most optimal way possible.


Pre-Installed Drupal Tools


They possess the ability to use Drupal server CLI tools like Drush, Git, and Composer. 


Better Speed


These hosts provide the bells and whistles to help Drupal run faster. They have the special ability to use like Memcache, varnish, APC, and more.


Compatibility and Security


They can easily tune in with the large Drupal community and are able to provide notification, security lapses, and can prevent any security issues through upgrades in next Drupal versions.


So you have to opt for some hosting server. To make your decision easy and the choice efficient, here is the list of the best Drupal web hosting companies; also recommended by the Drupal community. 


Here are the Best Drupal Web Hosts at a Glance:




The best-in-class hosting for Drupal and as well as for Wordpress, as it possesses the ability to scale the experience of any site with fast-content delivery. If we talk about its prominent features- it has managed HTTPS, automated system admin, and pre-emptive ability to prevent any security lapse. One can access its basic free demo account for better understanding before opting for the paid plans.




It offers managed hosting for Drupal. Through Cloudways, one can host sites on Google Cloud, AWS, DigitalOcean, Vultr, and more. It is possible to host sites to targeted audiences because of multiple options of hosting. Some of its prominent features are—


  • PHP 7 ready 
  • HTTP/2 support 
  • Free SSL
  • Two-factor authentication for better security
  • Built-in cache
  • Back-up


It offers premium web hosting for fast and secure Drupal development sites. Talking about its premium features, it includes—


  • Built-in Composer
  • Drupal Console and Drush support
  • Powered by SSDs
  • Git API
  • Managed CDN


You can start to access it through a free trial and move on to the paid plans (Professional and Enterprise).


Amazon Web Services (AWS)


AWS is known as one of the most robust server infrastructures. When it gets paired with the most advanced CMS, Drupal, the combination delivers the top-notch security, performance to the website.


Why is it considered the best hosting site for Drupal?


AWS has been the most prominent & trusted player in the cloud hosting industry and known for its high-tech, reliable, and secure server infrastructure. Here are some other features: 


  • Refrain Physical Hardware Maintenance 
  • No long-term commitments (On-demand plans)
  • Secure access to the server environment 
  • Efficient hosting environment
  • Control over the infrastructure (can add or remove hosting resources)


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